Friday 27 October 2017

Setting Up A New Couch

So I’ve been staying in the home of a family friend recently while I work at my internship in a city quite far from my hometown, and it has been one heck of a time. Recently, the people whose house I’m staying in got a new couch for their basement. And by recently, I mean a couple months ago. However, that new couch has been sitting in their garage for the past 2 months waiting to be set up. The couch was literally just sitting in the garage all boxed up, surrounded by a bunch of other cardboard boxes. Well, recently I was asked to help move the couch down into the basement because they finally decided that now was the time to try and move it. The couch that was currently in the basement was probably just about the oldest couch you have ever seen. The thing was raggedy, dusty, beaten up, and in no way comfortable. I have sat on a lot of uncomfortable couches in my day, but that thing truly takes the cake. There is literally zero lumbar support, and you sink so far down into the couch that you may as well just sit on the ground. 

Well, the new couch was from Costco and I could tell it was definitely going to be better than the old one. It was a nice brown color (compared to the weird red and yellow pattern on this old one) and it was even a reclining couch. I was slightly annoyed last night, because I was planning on working out sometime in the evening after I ate dinner, but I found myself waiting for the other guys to arrive that were going to help us move the couch downstairs. So instead I spent most of my time playing guitar while I waited for the go-ahead to help move the couch.

Well, it turns out that there was only one guy who showed up ready to move this big couch to the basement, but he did bring a little dolley that had some wheels on it to help out. The problem about getting the couch down to the basement was that the garage was on the opposite side of the house, and there was no way to get it in the house besides through the glass sliding door in the basement. That meant that we had to lug the couch all the way around to the other side of the house to get it through that sliding door.

The way we got the couch down to the sliding door was quite funny. We had to place it on the dolley longways, and then roll it down the sidewalk that wrapped around the house. However, the sidewalk has steps here and there as the land is not even, so that meant that we had to quickly run the dolley as fast as we could over the steps with the big couch on top of it. Eventually we got it to the basement door, and it was too big to fit in the door. Cardboard boxes are just so big nowadays. We ended up removing the door entirely in order to fit the couch through, and in the end we were able to set up the couch no problem once we got it inside.

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