Friday 24 November 2017

Preparing For College

College is a crazy time for everyone in their life. Depending on who you ask about their college experience, you are going to hear a lot of different responses. Some people absolutely despise college with every fiber of their being - they hated the school work that would roll in day after day during the semester, they hated the people, and they hated the lifestyle. Some people, on the other hand, will tell you that it was the best time of their lives and that they would do anything to go back.

For me personally, I would say that college fell into a more medium place in my life. There are things that I definitely love about college and that I will surely miss asd I venture out into the rest of my life. However, I would also add that there are some things about college that are just not super fun and feel like a waste of time. Regardless of how I feel, I wanted to make sure that you are prepared for college as you are going into your first year. So, having the experience that I do, I thought it would be a good idea to write this article that outlines some simple tips and tricks for going to college. Whether you are going to college at a nice private school, a big public university, traveling far away from home, or staying relatively close, this article should be of some help to you. If not, then I am truly sorry in advance for wasting your time. 

To start out, probably one of the most stressful things about college at first is the move-in process. Living in a dorm for the first time is definitely a weird experience, and I don’t think most people are prepared for the new lifestyle that they will find themselves in. Packing for college and dorm life can be a bit of a challenge for some people, especially if you don’t have any older siblings or other family members that can help you list out important things you need to pack. Packing is also hard in the form of trying to fit all your stuff and belongings into your car as you head out to move in. All around, move-in day is a stressful time. That’s why I suggest that you get some nice big cardboard boxes, because that makes it much easier to pack away a lot of your items safely. The last thing you want is to damage some of your more prized possessions by not packing them properly in some nice, sturdy cardboard boxes. So take my advice and get some at your local store or buy them online, either way will work.

Another thing to keep in mind is that sometimes textbooks are a complete waste of money. In all reality, you might spend hundreds of dollars on a textbook that you might not even use. My advice to you is that you should wait to buy textbooks until you have actually started the class and gotten a feel for how often the textbook is used and how much material is coming from the textbook. There are some classes that I specifically did not buy a textbook for because I knew that it would not be worth it over the course of the semester. Hope this helps!

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